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A Beginner's Guide to Blood Cells
A Beginner's Guide to Blood Cells
Barbara J. Bain
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2018
descrição: The third edition of this popular pocket book, A Beginner’s Guide to Blood Cells written by Professor Barbara Bain, provides a concise introduction to normal and abnormal blood cells and blood counts for trainees in haematology. Includes a brand new...
A Berlinda: Reproduções d’um álbum humorístico, ao correr do lápis
A Berlinda: Reproduções d’um álbum humorístico, ao...
Biblioteca Nacional...
editor: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
ano: 1870
A biblioteca do embaixador: os livros de D. García de Silva y Figueroa
A biblioteca do embaixador: os livros de D. García...
Rui Manuel Lou...
editor: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
ano: 2014
descrição: Obra que procura reconstituir o catálogo da biblioteca itinerante de Don García de Silva y Figueroa, embaixador enviado em missão à Pérsia entre 1612 e 1624, da qual pouco se sabe, e que conta ainda com cinco estudos acerca da sua vida e obra. Nascid...
A COMÉDIA DA EXISTÊNCIA - 500 quadras do palco da vida
A COMÉDIA DA EXISTÊNCIA - 500 quadras do palco da...
Lauro Portugal
ano: 2019
descrição: Apresentação de casos da vida, em meio milhar de quadras. Verso em redondilha maior heptassílabo, rima ABAB, metaforicamente capaz de transmitir forte mensagem de cariz social. Amiúde mesclas de sensatez, ironia e graça poderão proporcionar leit...
A Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome on Screen
A Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome on Screen
Arthur J. Pome...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: A comprehensive treatment of the Classical World in film and television, A Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome on Screen closely examines the films and TV shows centered on Greek and Roman cultures and explores the tension between pagan and Christia...
A Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome on Screen
A Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome on Screen
Arthur J. Pome...
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: A comprehensive treatment of the Classical World in film and television, A Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome on Screen closely examines the films and TV shows centered on Greek and Roman cultures and explores the tension between pagan and Christia...
A Companion to Assyria
A Companion to Assyria
Eckart Frahm
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2014
descrição: A Companion to Assyria is a collection of original essays on ancient Assyria written by key international scholars. These new scholarly contributions have substantially reshaped contemporary understanding of society and life in this ancient civilizat...
A Companion to Assyria
A Companion to Assyria
Eckart Frahm
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2014
descrição: A Companion to Assyria is a collection of original essays on ancient Assyria written by key international scholars. These new scholarly contributions have substantially reshaped contemporary understanding of society and life in this ancient civilizat...
A Companion to Dwight D. Eisenhower
A Companion to Dwight D. Eisenhower
Chester J. Pach
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: A Companion to Dwight D. Eisenhower brings new depth to the historiography of this significant and complex figure, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date depiction of both the man and era. Thoughtfully incorporates new and significant literature o...
A Companion to Dwight D. Eisenhower
A Companion to Dwight D. Eisenhower
Chester J. Pach
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: A Companion to Dwight D. Eisenhower brings new depth to the historiography of this significant and complex figure, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date depiction of both the man and era. Thoughtfully incorporates new and significant literature o...
A Companion to Italian Cinema
A Companion to Italian Cinema
Frank Burke
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: Written by leading figures in the field, A Companion to Italian Cinema re-maps Italian cinema studies, employing new perspectives on traditional issues, and fresh theoretical approaches to the exciting history and field of Italian cinema. Offers new...
A Companion to Italian Cinema
A Companion to Italian Cinema
Frank Burke
editor: John Wiley & Sons
ano: 2017
descrição: Written by leading figures in the field, A Companion to Italian Cinema re-maps Italian cinema studies, employing new perspectives on traditional issues, and fresh theoretical approaches to the exciting history and field of Italian cinema. Offers new...